na breque
nada syileles
Every publication must have a reason for its existence and justification for the effort which goes into it beyond that of financial success. In the case of TRANSVETIA, there are three:
Because people are interested in the unconventional and un- usual, it does not mean they are immoral, criminal or dan- gerous. Unfortunately the ignorance and prejudices of the masses about things which they know little and understand less, makes the lives of such non-conformists lonely and miserable. It is one of the purposes of TRANSVESTIA to help lift a little of that loneliness by providing an out- let of expression where people of more or less related tastes, interests and hobbies can read about the exper- iences and ideas of others and also have a place to express their own.
It is not only interesting and satisfying to learn that we are not alone in our non-conformity but it can be in many cases a real psychologically stabilizing experience to learn that not one of us is unique in our desires and our problems but that thousands of others fight the same battles and ex- perience the same frustrations. To know that we have com- rades is very helpful.
Someone once said, "To know is to understand." We feel that a lot more understanding could be achieved by parents, wives, friends and business associates if the nature of various be- havior patterns were presented to them through the exper- iences of many others rather than to allow them to reach con- clusions solely on the basis of some one individual with whom they happen to have a close relationship. Such patterns have to be judged with perspective and knowledge and these can only be gained by seeing the matter in the broader picture of the